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img  30:  A novel treatment for refractory plantar fasciitis.
著者: Mihir M Patel
雑誌名: Am J Orthop (Belle Mead NJ). 2015 Mar;44(3):107-10.
Abstract/Text Chronic plantar fasciitis is a major health care problem worldwide and affects nearly 10% of the US population. Although most cases resolve with conservative care, the numerous treatments for refractory plantar fasciitis attest to the lack of consensus regarding these cases. The emerging goals for this condition are a minimally invasive percutaneous intervention that is safe, effective, and well-tolerated and has minimal morbidity and a low complication rate. We conducted a prospective study in which patients were allowed either to continue with noninvasive treatment or to undergo focal aspiration and partial fasciotomy with an ultrasonic probe. This is the first report of a plantar fascia partial release guided by ultrasonic energy delivered by a percutaneously inserted probe under local anesthesia. The procedure appears to be a safe, effective, well-tolerated treatment for a condition that is refractory to other options.

PMID 25750942  Am J Orthop (Belle Mead NJ). 2015 Mar;44(3):107-10.







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