著者: Caquant F, Collinet P, Debodinance P, Berrocal J, Garbin O, Rosenthal C, Clave H, Villet R, Jacquetin B, Cosson M.
雑誌名: J Obstet Gynaecol Res. 2008 Aug;34(4):449-56. doi: 10.1111/j.1447-0756.2008.00820.x.
AIM: To study peri-surgical complications after cure of genital prolapse by vaginal route using interposition of synthetic prostheses Gynemesh Prolene Soft (Gynecare) following the Trans Vaginal Mesh (TVM) technique. METHODS: The present retrospective multicentered study comprised 684 patients who underwent surgery at seven French centers between October 2002 and December 2004. All patients had a genital prolapse >or=3 (C3/H3/E3/R3) according to International continence society (ICS) classification. According to each case, prosthetic interposition was total, or anterior only or posterior only. Patients were systematically seen 6 weeks, 3 months and 6 months after surgery. Multivaried statistical analysis followed a model of logistic regression applied to each post-surgical complication. RESULTS: The mean age of patients was 63.5 years (30-94). The mean follow-up period was 3.6 months. 84.3% of patients were post-menopause, 24.3% had hysterectomy, 16.7% previous cure of prolapse, and 11.1% cure of stress urinary incontinence (SUI). During the procedure, hysterectomy was combined in 50.3% of cases, cervix amputation in 1.5%, and cure of SUI in 40.9%. 15.8% were treated for a cystocele only. 14.8% had only a rectocele +/- elytrocele and 69.4% had a prolapse touching both compartments, anterior and posterior. In peri-surgical complications, (2%) were five bladder wounds (0.7%), one rectal wound (0.15%) and seven hemorrhages greater that 200 mL (1%). Among early post-surgical complications (during the first month after surgery) (2.8%) were two pelvic abscesses (0.29%), 13 pelvic hematomas (1.9%), one pelvic cellulitis (0.15%), two vesicovaginal fistulas and one rectovaginal fistula (0.15%). Among late post-surgical complications (33.6%) there were 77 granulomas or prosthetic expositions (11.3% [6.7% in the vaginal anterior wall, 2.1% in the vaginal posterior wall and 4.8% in the fornix]), 80 prosthetic retractions (11.7%), 36 relapse of prolapse (6.9%) and 37 SUI de novo (5.4%). Multivaried analysis shows that previous history of hysterectomy or placing of an isolated anterior prosthesis increase the risk of peri-surgical complication; preserved uterus and isolated posterior prosthesis lessen the risk of granulomas and prosthetic retractions; and association of a Richter's intervention increases the rate of prosthetic retractions. CONCLUSION: Cure of genital prolapse with synthetic prostheses interposed by vaginal route is now reliable and can be reproduced with a low rate of peri- and early post-surgical complications. However, our study shows a certain number of late post-surgical complications after insertion of strengthening synthetic vaginal implants (prosthetic expositions and prosthetic retractions). These retrospective results will soon be compared to a prospective study.
PMID 18937698 J Obstet Gynaecol Res. 2008 Aug;34(4):449-56. doi: 10.1111/j.1447-0756.2008.00820.x.