今日の臨床サポート 今日の臨床サポート

著者: 得平道英 地域医療機能推進機構 埼玉メディカルセンター血液内科

監修: 木崎昌弘 埼玉医科大学総合医療センター

  1. 日本血栓止血学会:後天性血友病A診療ガイドライン 2017年度改訂版

  1. 日本血栓止血学会診療ガイドライン 2017年度改訂版に基づき、追加訂正を行なった。


  1. 後天性血友病は第Ⅷ因子もしくは第IV因子に対するインヒビターによって著明な出血症状を呈する疾患であるが、後者の後天性血友病Bは極めて稀である。
  1. 後天性血友病Aの発症年齢中央値は70歳で、突然の出血症状で発症し、好発症状は皮下出血および筋肉や関節内などの深部出血である。
  1. スクリーニング検査ではAPTT のみ延長し、血小板数およびPTは正常値を示す。
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  1. 後天性血友病Aは1年あたり、100万人に1.48人の発症率が報告されている稀な疾患であり(<図表>a)[1][2]、明らかな性差はなく[2][3]、発症年齢は 12〜85 歳(中央値 70 歳)と幅広いが,50 歳以上の症例が 90%近くを占め(<図表>a)[2],小児期の発症はまれである[4]



田中一郎, 天野景裕, 瀧 正志など: わが国における後天性凝固因子インヒビターの実態に関する3年間の継続調査─予後因子に関する検討─. 日本血栓止血学会誌 2008 ;19:143 Fig. 1, 145 Fig. 3A, 144 Fig. 2
  1. 成人以降に突然,広範囲におよぶ皮下・筋肉内出血で発症する[1][2]
  1. 後天性血友病Aはしばしば致死的転帰を辿るため、問診・診察からの早期鑑別診断が極めて重要である。



本サイトの知的財産権は全てエルゼビアまたはコンテンツのライセンサーに帰属します。私的利用及び別途規定されている場合を除き、本サイトの利用はいかなる許諾を与えるものでもありません。 本サイト、そのコンテンツ、製品およびサービスのご利用は、お客様ご自身の責任において行ってください。本サイトの利用に基づくいかなる損害についても、エルゼビアは一切の責任及び賠償義務を負いません。 また、本サイトの利用を以て、本サイト利用者は、本サイトの利用に基づき第三者に生じるいかなる損害についても、エルゼビアを免責することに合意したことになります。  本サイトを利用される医学・医療提供者は、独自の臨床的判断を行使するべきです。本サイト利用者の判断においてリスクを正当なものとして受け入れる用意がない限り、コンテンツにおいて提案されている検査または処置がなされるべきではありません。 医学の急速な進歩に鑑み、エルゼビアは、本サイト利用者が診断方法および投与量について、独自に検証を行うことを推奨いたします。


TANAKA I, AMANO K, TAKI M, OKA T, SAKAI M, SHIRAHATA A, TAKATA N, TAKAMATSU J, TAKETANI H, HANABUSA H, HIGASA S, FUKUTAKE K, FUJII T, MATSUSHITA T, MIMAYA J, YOSHIOKA A, SHIMA M. わが国における後天性凝固因子インヒビターの実態に関する3年間の継続調査 ─予後因子に関する検討─. 日本血栓止血学会誌. 一般社団法人 日本血栓止血学会; 2008;19(1):140–153.
後天性血友病A診療ガイドライン 2017年度改訂版.日本血栓止血学会.https://www.jsth.org/publications/pdf/guideline/HP用_後天性血友病A診療ガイドライン2017改訂版.pdf.
Peter W Collins, Sybil Hirsch, Trevor P Baglin, Gerard Dolan, John Hanley, Michael Makris, David M Keeling, Ri Liesner, Simon A Brown, Charles R M Hay, UK Haemophilia Centre Doctors' Organisation
Acquired hemophilia A in the United Kingdom: a 2-year national surveillance study by the United Kingdom Haemophilia Centre Doctors' Organisation.
Blood. 2007 Mar 1;109(5):1870-7. doi: 10.1182/blood-2006-06-029850. Epub 2006 Oct 17.
Abstract/Text Acquired hemophilia A is a severe bleeding disorder caused by an autoantibody to factor VIII. Previous reports have focused on referral center patients and it is unclear whether these findings are generally applicable. To improve understanding of the disease, a 2-year observational study was established to identify and characterize the presenting features and outcome of all patients with acquired hemophilia A in the United Kingdom. This allowed a consecutive cohort of patients, unbiased by referral or reporting practice, to be studied. A total of 172 patients with a median age of 78 years were identified, an incidence of 1.48/million/y. The cohort was significantly older than previously reported series, but bleeding manifestations and underlying diseases were similar. Bleeding was the cause of death in 9% of the cohort and remained a risk until the inhibitor had been eradicated. There was no difference in inhibitor eradication or mortality between patients treated with steroids alone and a combination of steroids and cytotoxic agents. Relapse of the inhibitor was observed in 20% of the patients who had attained first complete remission. The data provide the most complete description of acquired hemophilia A available and are applicable to patients presenting to all centers.

PMID 17047148
SHIMA M, TANAKA I, KAWAI Y, TSUJI H, NAKAMURA S, MORITA T. 本邦における血液凝固後天性インヒビターの実態. 日本血栓止血学会誌 [Internet]. 一般社団法人 日本血栓止血学会; 2003 [cited 2022 Aug 25];14(2):107–121. Available from: http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jjsth/14/2/14_2_107/_article/-char/ja/
Charles R M Hay, S Brown, P W Collins, D M Keeling, R Liesner
The diagnosis and management of factor VIII and IX inhibitors: a guideline from the United Kingdom Haemophilia Centre Doctors Organisation.
Br J Haematol. 2006 Jun;133(6):591-605. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2141.2006.06087.x.
Abstract/Text The revised UKHCDO factor (F) VIII/IX Inhibitor Guidelines (2000) are presented. A schema is proposed for inhibitor surveillance, which varies according to the severity of the haemophilia and the treatment type and regimen used. The methodological and pharmacokinetic approach to inhibitor surveillance in congenital haemophilia has been updated. Factor VIII/IX genotyping of patients is recommended to identify those at increased risk. All patients who develop an inhibitor should be considered for immune tolerance induction (ITI). The decision to attempt ITI for FIX inhibitors must be carefully weighed against the relatively high risk of reactions and the nephrotic syndrome and the relatively low response rate observed in this group. The start of ITI should be deferred until the inhibitor has declined below 10 Bethesda Units/ml, where possible. ITI should continue, even in resistant patients, where it is well tolerated and so long as there is a convincing downward trend in the inhibitor titre. The choice of treatment for bleeding in inhibitor patients is dictated by the severity of the bleed, the current inhibitor titre, the previous anamnestic response to FVIII/IX, the previous clinical response and the side-effect profile of the agents available. We have reviewed novel dose-regimens and modes of administration of FEIBA (factor VIII inhibitor bypassing activity) and recombinant activated FVII (rVIIa) and the extent to which these agents may be used for prophylaxis and surgery. Bleeding in acquired haemophilia is usually treated with FEIBA or rVIIa. Immunosuppressive therapy should be initiated at the time of diagnosis with Prednisolone 1 mg/kg/d +/- cyclophosphamide. In the absence of a response to these agents within 6 weeks, second-line therapy with Rituximab, Ciclosporin A, or other multiple-modality regimens may be considered.

PMID 16704433
Julio Delgado, Victor Jimenez-Yuste, Fernando Hernandez-Navarro, Ana Villar
Acquired haemophilia: review and meta-analysis focused on therapy and prognostic factors.
Br J Haematol. 2003 Apr;121(1):21-35.
PMID 12670328
S Sallah
Treatment of acquired haemophilia with factor eight inhibitor bypassing activity.
Haemophilia. 2004 Mar;10(2):169-73.
Abstract/Text Haemorrhagic manifestations in patients with acquired haemophilia can be fatal if not recognized and treated appropriately. A retrospective analysis of the efficacy of factor eight inhibitor bypassing activity (FEIBA) in patients with acquired haemophilia treated in three medical centres in the past 10 years was conducted. The median inhibitor titre at treatment was 128 Bethesda Units (BU) in patients with severe and 34 BU in patients with moderate bleeding; P = 0.001. The majority of patients received FEIBA at a dose of 75 u kg-1 every 8-12 h. The number of FEIBA doses administered was higher in patients with severe compared with moderate haemorrhage, 10 vs. 6 doses per bleeding episode; P = 0.001. Complete response (CR) was achieved in 76% of severe and 100% of moderate bleeding episodes with a total CR of 86%. When compared with patients with human inhibitor titre <50 BU, those with titre >51 BU at treatment had lower median porcine titre, 1 vs. 9.5 BU; P < 0.05, fewer doses of FEIBA, 6 vs. 8.5 doses; P < 0.05, and shorter time to CR, 29 vs. 42 h; P < 0.05. Patients exposed to factor VIII concentrates prior to FEIBA had significantly higher maximum recorded human inhibitor titre compared with patients without such exposure, 273 vs. 38 BU; P = 0.0001. Treatment with FEIBA was very well tolerated and with very few side effects. This study provides evidence that FEIBA is an effective agent in acquired haemophilia and suitable for all types of patients regardless of severity of haemorrhage, underlying disease or inhibitor titre.

PMID 14962206
Goudemand J. Treatment of bleeding episodes occurring in patients with acquired haemophilia with FEIBA: the French experience. Haemophilia 2004;10:14.
M J Sumner, B D Geldziler, M Pedersen, S Seremetis
Treatment of acquired haemophilia with recombinant activated FVII: a critical appraisal.
Haemophilia. 2007 Sep;13(5):451-61. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2516.2007.01474.x.
Abstract/Text Acquired haemophilia is a rare bleeding disorder usually caused by the spontaneous formation of inhibitory antibodies to coagulation FVIII. The disease occurs most commonly in the elderly, and although acquired haemophilia may be associated with a variety of underlying conditions, up to 50% of reported cases are idiopathic. Treatment options have traditionally involved human FVIII or FIX replacement therapy (if the inhibitor titre allows), porcine FVIII or the use of activated pro-thrombin complex concentrates. Recombinant activated coagulation FVII (rFVIIa) was available on an emergency and compassionate use basis from 1988 to 1999 at sites in Europe and North America. It has been registered in Europe for use in treating acquired haemophilia since 1996 and has recently been licensed for this indication in the United States. By directly activating FX on the surface of activated platelets at the site of injury (thereby bypassing FVIII and FIX), rFVIIa can circumvent the actions of inhibitory antibodies present in acquired haemophilia patients. This paper provides an overview of experiences with rFVIIa for the treatment of acquired haemophilia from the NovoSeven compassionate and emergency use programmes (1989-1999), the Hemophilia and Thrombosis Research Society Registry, and independent published reports from January 1999 to September 2005. rFVIIa has been reported to provide safe and effective haemostasis as a first line therapy in patients of all ages for a variety of surgical and non-surgical bleeding situations.

PMID 17880429
Peter W Collins, Elizabeth Chalmers, Daniel Hart, Ian Jennings, Ri Liesner, Savita Rangarajan, Kate Talks, Michael Williams, Charles R M Hay, United Kingdom Haemophilia Centre Doctors' Organization
Diagnosis and management of acquired coagulation inhibitors: a guideline from UKHCDO.
Br J Haematol. 2013 Sep;162(6):758-73. doi: 10.1111/bjh.12463. Epub 2013 Jul 25.
PMID 23889317
Collins P, Baudo F, Huth-Kühne A, Ingerslev J, Kessler CM, Castellano MEM, Shima M, St-Louis J, Lévesque H. Consensus recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of acquired hemophilia A. BMC Res Notes [Internet]. BioMed Central; 2010 Jun 7 [cited 2022 Aug 25];3(1):1–8. Available from: https://bmcresnotes.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1756-0500-3-161
Massimo Franchini, Giancarlo Castaman, Antonio Coppola, Cristina Santoro, Ezio Zanon, Giovanni Di Minno, Massimo Morfini, Elena Santagostino, Angiola Rocino, AICE Working Group
Acquired inhibitors of clotting factors: AICE recommendations for diagnosis and management.
Blood Transfus. 2015 Jul;13(3):498-513. doi: 10.2450/2015.0141-15. Epub 2015 Jun 24.
PMID 26192778
オーダー内の薬剤用量は日本医科大学付属病院 薬剤部 部長 伊勢雄也 以下、渡邉裕次、井ノ口岳洋、梅田将光および日本医科大学多摩永山病院 副薬剤部長 林太祐による疑義照会のプロセスを実施、疑義照会の対象については著者の方による再確認を実施しております。
※薬剤中分類、用法、同効薬、診療報酬は、エルゼビアが独自に作成した薬剤情報であり、 著者により作成された情報ではありません。
著者のCOI(Conflicts of Interest)開示:
得平道英 : 未申告[2024年]
監修:木崎昌弘 : 未申告[2024年]


