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img  50:  Gap between short- and long-term effects of patient education in rheumatoid arthritis patients: a systematic review.
著者: Karin Niedermann, Jaap Fransen, Ruud Knols, Daniel Uebelhart
雑誌名: Arthritis Rheum. 2004 Jun 15;51(3):388-98. doi: 10.1002/art.20399.
Abstract/Text OBJECTIVE: To systematically review educational or psychoeducational interventions for patients with rheumatoid arthritis focusing on long-term effects, especially health status.
METHODS: Two independent reviewers appraised the methodologic quality of the included randomized controlled trials, published between 1980 and July 2002.
RESULTS: Validity scores of studies ranged from 3 to 9 (of 11). The 7 educational programs mainly improved knowledge and compliance in the short and long term, but there was no improvement in health status. All 4 psychoeducational programs improved coping behavior in the short term, 2 of them showing a positive long-term effect on physical or psychological health variables.
CONCLUSION: Methodologically better-designed studies had more difficulties demonstrating positive outcome results. Short-term effects in program targets are generally observed, whereas long-term changes in health status are not convincingly demonstrated. There is a need to find better strategies to enhance the transfer of short-term effects into gains in health status.

PMID 15188324  Arthritis Rheum. 2004 Jun 15;51(3):388-98. doi: 10.1002/art.20399.







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