今日の臨床サポート 今日の臨床サポート

著者: 橋本雅人 中村記念病院 眼科

監修: 沖波聡 倉敷中央病院眼科

  1. 日本甲状腺学会・日本内分泌学会・厚生労働省「ホルモン受容機構異常に関する調査研究」班、臨床重要課題「バセドウ病悪性眼球突出症の診断基準と治療指針」作成委員会(編):甲状腺眼症診療の手引き メディカルレビュー社 2020


  1. 甲状腺眼症の原因は、眼窩後組織における自己免疫性炎症である。甲状腺眼症は眼窩後組織内に存在する線維芽細胞が眼窩内に浸潤したリンパ球の標的細胞であり、その細胞表面には甲状腺刺激ホルモン受容体様構造やインシュリン成長因子(IGF-1)が見られる。活性化された線維芽細胞はその産物としてグルコサミノグリカンを蓄積する。これが眼球突出や外眼筋の線維化などの不可逆的変化をもたらす。
  1. 眼症を疑うポイント:眼瞼腫脹、眼球突出、眼窩部痛を診たら甲状腺眼症を疑い、他の眼窩疾患との鑑別を行うことが奨められる(推奨度1)
  1. 診断のポイント:眼瞼後退(Darlymple徴候)、眼瞼遅延(Graefe徴候)は甲状腺眼症に特徴的な眼瞼所見である。眼球運動障害は下直筋肥大による上転障害が多い(推奨度1)
  1. 閲覧にはご契約が必要となります。閲覧には ご契約が必要とな ります。閲覧にはご契約が必要となります。閲覧にはご契約が必要となります。閲覧にはご契約が必要とな ります。
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  1. 1835年、アイルランドDublinの内科医Robert James Gravesは、甲状腺腫と動悸を示す3症例中1例に眼球突出を認めたことを報告し、次いで、1840年にはドイツの開業医Carl Adolf von Basedowが、甲状腺腫、動悸、眼球突出を3主徴(いわゆるメルゼブルグの3徴)とする4症例を報告した。欧米では、この疾患群にGravesの名を冠する事が多いのだが、かつてドイツ医学が主流であった日本では、Basedow病の名が定着し、現在に至っている。このため、眼球突出を主体とした甲状腺機能亢進症に伴う眼症状は、「甲状腺眼症」、「バセドウ病眼症」、「眼グレーブズ病」、「悪性眼球突出」など種々の名称で呼ばれている。しかし、その病態が甲状腺機能そのものとは直接の関連を持たない独立した自己免疫異常であり、眼球突出以外にも多彩な眼症状があるのみならず、眼球突出を生じない症例が半数以上あることが明らかとなった現代では、その病態を正しく示した「甲状腺眼症(Thyroid associated ophthalmopathy:TAO)」が最適な病名とされている。
  1. 甲状腺眼症は眼窩後組織内で特異的に起こる自己免疫性局所炎症である。
  1. 臨床的に甲状腺眼症と甲状腺の病状は時期的に必ずしも一致せず、眼症状が甲状腺の症状に先行するものから、後に起こってくるものまでさまざまである。
  1. 甲状腺眼症はその発症初期において、必ずしも特徴的な顔貌の変化や眼球運動障害を認めないため、甲状腺眼症の診断に至らず、眼精疲労や結膜炎などとして経過観察されている場合もある。
  1. 甲状腺ホルモンがたとえ正常であっても眼症は生じるため、甲状腺眼症は甲状腺機能異常とは切り離した、独立した眼科の疾患として捉える必要がある。
  1. 研究背景:甲状腺眼症の臨床的特徴を調べるためのretrospective studyがある[1]
  1. 研究事例:これによると、甲状腺眼症242例中、甲状腺機能亢進症が42.7%、甲状腺機能低下症が23.8%、正常甲状腺(Euthyroid Graves)が33.5%であったとしている[1]
  1. 結論:甲状腺機能亢進症に伴う甲状腺眼症の頻度が最も高いが、低下症またはeuthyroidもあるため、甲状腺眼症は必ずしも甲状腺機能とは一致せず、眼科の疾患としてケアしていくことを推奨する。
  1. 甲状腺眼症を的確に診断し治療を行うためには、その病態と臨床像について理解を深めておく必要がある。本項では甲状腺眼症の疫学、病態、診察のポイント、鑑別診断、疾患の活動性評価、病態の時期にあった治療について解説していく。
  1. 甲状腺眼症の有病率は1-2%であり決して珍しい疾患ではない。
  1. バセドウ病の3~4割に眼球突出などの訴えがあるが、眼瞼腫脹や眼痛だけの軽度の甲状腺眼症を含むとその頻度はさらに高い。
  1. バセドウ病は男女比が1:5、橋本病は1:18といわれているため、甲状腺眼症は圧倒的に女性に多い病気である。
  1. 年齢別では20代から30代の女性が眼瞼症状の訴えで来院するのに対し、中高年の男性は外眼筋の伸展障害による複視を訴えて来院する場合が多い。
  1. これまでの免疫学的研究によると、甲状腺眼症は眼窩後組織内に存在する線維芽細胞が眼窩内に浸潤したリンパ球の標的細胞であり、その細胞表面には甲状腺刺激ホルモン 受容体様構造やインシュリン成長因子(IGF-1)が見られる。活性化された線維芽細胞はその産物として酸性ムコ多糖類であるグルコサミノグリカンを蓄積する。これが眼球突出や外眼筋の線維化などの不可逆的変化をもたらす。
  1. 研究背景:甲状腺眼症患者23例36眼の眼窩脂肪組織中にある酸性ムコ多糖類、グルコサミノグリカンの一種であるコンドロイチン硫酸プロテオグリカンをプロトン眼窩部MRスペクトロスコピーによりin vivoで解析し検討した臨床研究がある[2]
  1. 研究事例:甲状腺眼症患者では健常者(16例28眼)に比べて、コンドロイチン硫酸プロテオグリカンのプロトンMRスペクトロスコピーにおけるピークが有意に高かった。また、実際に眼窩減圧術を行った5例の甲状腺眼症患者における眼窩脂肪中のコンドロイチン硫酸プロテオグリカン濃度をELISAで測定したところ、プロトンMRスペクトロスコピーにおけるコンドロイチン硫酸プロテオグリカンのピークと有意な相関を示した。また、このピークの高さは、眼症の重症度(NOSPECS分類)とも相関した。
  1. 結論:この研究結果より、甲状腺眼症では、眼窩脂肪組織中に存在するグリコサミノグリカンの一種であるコンドロイチン硫酸プロテオグリカンが、甲状腺眼症の重症度に関与しているのではないかと推察している。
  1. 甲状腺眼症の初期症状としては眼瞼腫脹、眼窩部の鈍痛、充血などであり、眼精疲労や結膜炎と誤って診断されることが少なくない。



本サイトの知的財産権は全てエルゼビアまたはコンテンツのライセンサーに帰属します。私的利用及び別途規定されている場合を除き、本サイトの利用はいかなる許諾を与えるものでもありません。 本サイト、そのコンテンツ、製品およびサービスのご利用は、お客様ご自身の責任において行ってください。本サイトの利用に基づくいかなる損害についても、エルゼビアは一切の責任及び賠償義務を負いません。 また、本サイトの利用を以て、本サイト利用者は、本サイトの利用に基づき第三者に生じるいかなる損害についても、エルゼビアを免責することに合意したことになります。  本サイトを利用される医学・医療提供者は、独自の臨床的判断を行使するべきです。本サイト利用者の判断においてリスクを正当なものとして受け入れる用意がない限り、コンテンツにおいて提案されている検査または処置がなされるべきではありません。 医学の急速な進歩に鑑み、エルゼビアは、本サイト利用者が診断方法および投与量について、独自に検証を行うことを推奨いたします。


長内一,大塚賢二,中村靖,橋本雅人ら:甲状腺眼症242例における臨床的血液学的検討. あたらしい眼科 15:1043-1047, 1998.
K Ohtsuka, M Hashimoto
H-magnetic resonance spectroscopy of retrobulbar tissue in Graves ophthalmopathy.
Am J Ophthalmol. 1999 Dec;128(6):715-9. doi: 10.1016/s0002-9394(99)00229-9.
Abstract/Text PURPOSE: Accumulation of glycosaminoglycans in the orbit may play an important role in the development of Graves ophthalmopathy. Therefore, it might be clinically useful to evaluate the concentration of glycosaminoglycans in the orbit in patients with Graves disease. We investigated the concentration of glycosaminoglycans in retrobulbar tissue using in vivo 1H-magnetic resonance spectroscopy.
METHODS: A model solution of 1% chondroitin sulfate (one of the components of the glycosaminoglycans complex) was initially examined using 1H-magnetic resonance spectroscopy, and the resonance of chondroitin sulfate was identified. 1H-magnetic resonance-spectroscopy spectra of retrobulbar tissue were obtained in 16 normal volunteers (28 eyes) and 23 patients with Graves ophthalmopathy (36 eyes). The 1H-magnetic resonance spectroscopy spectrum of chondroitin sulphate in the retrobulbar in vivo tissue was identified by assignments through lineshape comparisons of spectra of the model solutions in vitro and the retrobulbar tissue in vivo. Chondroitin sulphate-peak/H2O-peak ratios were calculated. To verify the results of in vivo 1H-magnetic resonance spectroscopy, retrobulbar tissue samples from five patients, who underwent orbital decompression surgery, were tested for reactivity to chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).
RESULTS: Multiple peaks, with a large peak at 5.24 ppm, were observed in 1H-magnetic resonance spectroscopy spectra of the model solution. A peak at 5.24 ppm was also observed in spectra of the retrobulbar tissue in all of the normal subjects and the patients. The mean value of the 5.24 ppm-peak/H2O-peak ratio was 0.1781 (SD = 0.0498, range, 0.0775 to 0.2282) in the normal subjects and 0.2874 (SD = 0.1357, range, 0.1405 to 0.7377) in the patients. The 5.24 ppm-peak/H2O-peak ratios were significantly increased in the patients with Graves ophthalmopathy (P < .01). The 5.24 ppm-peak/ H2O-peak ratio was correlated with the chondroitin sulphate concentration in retrobulbar tissue samples as evaluated by ELISA (r = .69).
CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests that 1H-magnetic resonance spectroscopy of the retrobulbar tissue allows us to estimate the concentration of chondroitin sulphate proteoglycan in the retrobulbar tissue. 1H-magnetic resonance spectroscopy of the retrobulbar tissue may be a new clinical tool for the evaluation of Graves ophthalmopathy.

PMID 10612507
三浦道子,大塚賢二,橋本雅人ら:CTを用いたバセドウ病患者での外眼筋計測. 臨床眼科 50巻1号 (1996年1月)、50:35-39,1996.
M P Mourits, M F Prummel, W M Wiersinga, L Koornneef
Clinical activity score as a guide in the management of patients with Graves' ophthalmopathy.
Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 1997 Jul;47(1):9-14. doi: 10.1046/j.1365-2265.1997.2331047.x.
Abstract/Text OBJECTIVE: Approximately 35% of patients with Graves' ophthalmopathy do not respond to immunosuppressive treatment. A possible explanation for this finding is that only patients with active ophthalmopathy respond to immunosuppressive treatment, whereas patients with fibrotic end stage disease do not. To distinguish between these two groups and to predict the outcome of immunosuppressive treatment, we developed a clinical activity score (CAS) based on four of the five classical signs of inflammation and tested its efficacy in a double-blind, prospective study.
DESIGN, PATIENTS AND MEASUREMENTS: The CAS was determined by an opthalmologist before, on the day of, and after the start of either oral prednisone or retrobulbar irradiation in 43 patients with moderate to severe Graves' ophthalmopathy. The therapeutic outcome was determined by a second ophthalmologist unaware of the CAS stores given. Success of treatment was defined as an improvement in NOSPECS class or grade.
RESULTS: Responders (22) and non-responders (21) did not differ in age, sex, duration or severity of their Graves' ophthalmopathy. The pretreatment CAS, however, was significantly higher in responders than in non-responders. Twelve of 22 responders and three of 21 non-responders had a CAS > or = 4 (55% vs 14%; P < 0.01) [corrected]. Using this CAS cut-off point, the accuracy of CAS in predicting the therapeutic outcome was: specificity 86%, sensitivity 55%, positive predictive value 80%, negative predictive value 64%. Patients with a CAS > or = 4 had a similar duration of Graves' ophthalmopathy as patients with a CAS < 4.
CONCLUSIONS: The clinical activity score has a high predictive value for the outcome of immunosuppressive treatment in Graves' ophthalmopathy. Disease activity, and not disease duration, is the prime determinant of therapeutic outcome.

PMID 9302365
Peter Vestergaard
Smoking and thyroid disorders--a meta-analysis.
Eur J Endocrinol. 2002 Feb;146(2):153-61.
Abstract/Text BACKGROUND: Smoking has been associated with Graves' disease, but it remains unclear if the association is present in other thyroid disorders.
OUTCOME VARIABLES: Graves' disease, Graves' ophthalmopathy, toxic nodular goitre, non-toxic goitre, post-partum thyroid disease, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, or hypothyroidism.
MATERIAL AND METHODS: A search of MEDLINE identified 25 studies on the association between smoking and thyroid diseases.
RESULTS: In Graves' disease eight studies were available showing an odds ratio (OR) of 3.30 (95% confidence interval (CI): 2.09-5.22) in current smokers compared with never smokers. In ex-smokers there was no significant excess risk of Graves' disease (OR=1.41, 95% CI: 0.77-2.58). The OR associated with ever smoking in Graves' ophthalmopathy (4.40, 95% CI: 2.88-6.73, six studies) was significantly higher than in Graves' disease (1.90, 95% CI: 1.42-2.55, two-sided P-value <0.01). Ever smoking was not associated with toxic nodular goitre (OR=1.27, 95% CI: 0.69-2.33, three studies), while there was an increased risk of non-toxic goitre in smokers if men were excluded (OR=1.29, 95% CI: 1.01-1.65, eight studies). The risk associated with smoking was significantly lower in men than in women for both Graves' disease and non-toxic goitre. Hashimoto's thyroiditis and post-partum thyroid dysfunction were also associated with smoking while the association with hypothyroidism did not reach statistical significance.
CONCLUSIONS: Cessation of smoking seems associated with a lower risk of Graves' disease than current smoking. Smoking increases the risk of Graves' ophthalmopathy beyond the risk associated with Graves' disease alone. Smoking cessation may lead to a decrease in morbidity from Graves' disease, especially in women.

PMID 11834423
Luigi Bartalena, Lelio Baldeschi, Kostas Boboridis, Anja Eckstein, George J Kahaly, Claudio Marcocci, Petros Perros, Mario Salvi, Wilmar M Wiersinga, European Group on Graves' Orbitopathy (EUGOGO)
The 2016 European Thyroid Association/European Group on Graves' Orbitopathy Guidelines for the Management of Graves' Orbitopathy.
Eur Thyroid J. 2016 Mar;5(1):9-26. doi: 10.1159/000443828. Epub 2016 Mar 2.
Abstract/Text Graves' orbitopathy (GO) is the main extrathyroidal manifestation of Graves' disease, though severe forms are rare. Management of GO is often suboptimal, largely because available treatments do not target pathogenic mechanisms of the disease. Treatment should rely on a thorough assessment of the activity and severity of GO and its impact on the patient's quality of life. Local measures (artificial tears, ointments and dark glasses) and control of risk factors for progression (smoking and thyroid dysfunction) are recommended for all patients. In mild GO, a watchful strategy is usually sufficient, but a 6-month course of selenium supplementation is effective in improving mild manifestations and preventing progression to more severe forms. High-dose glucocorticoids (GCs), preferably via the intravenous route, are the first line of treatment for moderate-to-severe and active GO. The optimal cumulative dose appears to be 4.5-5 g of methylprednisolone, but higher doses (up to 8 g) can be used for more severe forms. Shared decision-making is recommended for selecting second-line treatments, including a second course of intravenous GCs, oral GCs combined with orbital radiotherapy or cyclosporine, rituximab or watchful waiting. Rehabilitative treatment (orbital decompression surgery, squint surgery or eyelid surgery) is needed in the majority of patients when GO has been conservatively managed and inactivated by immunosuppressive treatment.

PMID 27099835
Kenji Ohtsuka, Akihiko Sato, Satoshi Kawaguchi, Masato Hashimoto, Yasuo Suzuki
Effect of high-dose intravenous steroid pulse therapy followed by 3-month oral steroid therapy for Graves' ophthalmopathy.
Jpn J Ophthalmol. 2002 Sep-Oct;46(5):563-7.
Abstract/Text PURPOSE: To evaluate the effect of high-dose intravenous steroid pulse therapy followed by 3-month oral steroid therapy for Graves' ophthalmopathy.
METHODS: We selected 41 Japanese patients (age range, 21-76 years; mean = 49 years) who had active Graves' ophthalmopathy among 205 consecutive patients examined at Sapporo Medical University Hospital between 1997 and 1999. In a prospective study, we investigated the effect on the 41 patients of high-dose intravenous methylprednisolone pulse therapy (1 g/day x 3 days x 3 times) followed by 3-month oral prednisone therapy. Coronal computed tomography (CT) of the orbit, exophthalmometry and monocular fixation field measured by Goldmann perimetry were carried out before the steroid pulse therapy, and 1 and 6 months after the steroid pulse therapy. The maximum coronal section area of the rectus muscle in each eye was measured using an orbital CT image.
RESULTS: Extraocular muscle hypertrophy was significantly reduced 1 and 6 months after the pulse therapy (paired t-test, P <.01), and was not significantly different between 1 and 6 months after the pulse therapy. Proptosis was not significantly reduced by the pulse therapy. Monocular fixation fields were measured in 34 patients with diplopia, and limitation of eye movements was improved in 15 patients (44%) by the pulse therapy. In the other patients, improvement of the limitation was not detectable by the test of the monocular fixation field.
CONCLUSIONS: The treatment in this study is effective for extraocular muscle hypertrophy, and relapse was minimum within 6 months. However, this treatment has limited effect on limitation of eye movements and less effect on proptosis.

PMID 12457917
Luigi Bartalena, Lelio Baldeschi, Alison Dickinson, Anja Eckstein, Pat Kendall-Taylor, Claudio Marcocci, Maarten Mourits, Petros Perros, Kostas Boboridis, Antonella Boschi, Nicola Currò, Chantal Daumerie, George J Kahaly, Gerasimos E Krassas, Carol M Lane, John H Lazarus, Michele Marinò, Marco Nardi, Christopher Neoh, Jacques Orgiazzi, Simon Pearce, Aldo Pinchera, Susanne Pitz, Mario Salvi, Paolo Sivelli, Matthias Stahl, Georg von Arx, Wilmar M Wiersinga, European Group on Graves' Orbitopathy (EUGOGO)
Consensus statement of the European Group on Graves' orbitopathy (EUGOGO) on management of GO.
Eur J Endocrinol. 2008 Mar;158(3):273-85. doi: 10.1530/EJE-07-0666.
PMID 18299459
Ai Kozaki, Hiroshi Nakamura, Toshu Inoue
Clinical efficacy of transcutaneous triamcinolone acetonide injection for upper eyelid retraction and swelling in patients with thyroid eye disease.
Int Med Case Rep J. 2018;11:325-331. doi: 10.2147/IMCRJ.S177671. Epub 2018 Nov 9.
Abstract/Text AIM: To evaluate the efficacy of transcutaneous triamcinolone acetonide (TA) injection for the treatment of upper eyelid retraction and swelling in thyroid eye disease (TED) patients.
PATIENTS AND METHODS: This is a case series. Three euthyroid TED patients with features of both upper eyelid retraction and swelling were recruited. TED signs appeared within 6 months prior to treatment. Next, 0.5 mL of TA (40 mg/mL) was transcutaneously injected targeting the orbital fat around the levator palpebrae superioris (LPS) muscle. At each visit, eyelid retraction was evaluated by palpebral fissure height and the presence of scleral show above the superior corneoscleral limbus. Eyelid swelling was judged by the appearance of upper eyelid bulging and the lack of an eyelid sulcus. In addition, the LPS muscle, orbital and retro-orbicularis oculi fat were observed using MRI before and after treatment.
RESULTS: Two patients had resolution of their upper lid retraction and swelling within 12 months. In the other patient who had proptosis, eyelid retraction resolved, while eyelid swelling remained mild. In all cases, MRI revealed that treatment resulted in thinner LPS muscle and reduced fat swelling. In addition, both high-intensity signals on T2 images and prolonged T2 relaxation time were normalized. No adverse signs were observed.
CONCLUSION: Transcutaneous TA injection was effective as a treatment for upper eyelid retraction and swelling in euthyroid TED patients who had signs within 6 months prior to treatment. Transcutaneous TA injection induced reduction of LPS muscle enlargement and fat tissue swelling. These reductions by transcutaneous TA injection were verified using MRI.

PMID 30519121
Terry J Smith, George J Kahaly, Daniel G Ezra, James C Fleming, Roger A Dailey, Rosa A Tang, Gerald J Harris, Alessandro Antonelli, Mario Salvi, Robert A Goldberg, James W Gigantelli, Steven M Couch, Erin M Shriver, Brent R Hayek, Eric M Hink, Richard M Woodward, Kathleen Gabriel, Guido Magni, Raymond S Douglas
Teprotumumab for Thyroid-Associated Ophthalmopathy.
N Engl J Med. 2017 May 4;376(18):1748-1761. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1614949.
Abstract/Text BACKGROUND: Thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy, a condition commonly associated with Graves' disease, remains inadequately treated. Current medical therapies, which primarily consist of glucocorticoids, have limited efficacy and present safety concerns. Inhibition of the insulin-like growth factor I receptor (IGF-IR) is a new therapeutic strategy to attenuate the underlying autoimmune pathogenesis of ophthalmopathy.
METHODS: We conducted a multicenter, double-masked, randomized, placebo-controlled trial to determine the efficacy and safety of teprotumumab, a human monoclonal antibody inhibitor of IGF-IR, in patients with active, moderate-to-severe ophthalmopathy. A total of 88 patients were randomly assigned to receive placebo or active drug administered intravenously once every 3 weeks for a total of eight infusions. The primary end point was the response in the study eye. This response was defined as a reduction of 2 points or more in the Clinical Activity Score (scores range from 0 to 7, with a score of ≥3 indicating active thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy) and a reduction of 2 mm or more in proptosis at week 24. Secondary end points, measured as continuous variables, included proptosis, the Clinical Activity Score, and results on the Graves' ophthalmopathy-specific quality-of-life questionnaire. Adverse events were assessed.
RESULTS: In the intention-to-treat population, 29 of 42 patients who received teprotumumab (69%), as compared with 9 of 45 patients who received placebo (20%), had a response at week 24 (P<0.001). Therapeutic effects were rapid; at week 6, a total of 18 of 42 patients in the teprotumumab group (43%) and 2 of 45 patients in the placebo group (4%) had a response (P<0.001). Differences between the groups increased at subsequent time points. The only drug-related adverse event was hyperglycemia in patients with diabetes; this event was controlled by adjusting medication for diabetes.
CONCLUSIONS: In patients with active ophthalmopathy, teprotumumab was more effective than placebo in reducing proptosis and the Clinical Activity Score. (Funded by River Vision Development and others; ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT01868997 .).

PMID 28467880
オーダー内の薬剤用量は日本医科大学付属病院 薬剤部 部長 伊勢雄也 以下、渡邉裕次、井ノ口岳洋、梅田将光および日本医科大学多摩永山病院 副薬剤部長 林太祐による疑義照会のプロセスを実施、疑義照会の対象については著者の方による再確認を実施しております。
※薬剤中分類、用法、同効薬、診療報酬は、エルゼビアが独自に作成した薬剤情報であり、 著者により作成された情報ではありません。
著者のCOI(Conflicts of Interest)開示:
橋本雅人  : 特に申告事項無し[2024年]
監修:沖波聡 : 特に申告事項無し[2024年]


