著者: Parrish AE.
雑誌名: Clin Nephrol. 1992 Sep;38(3):135-41.
Over a period of 37 years we performed renal biopsies 1812 times in 1638 subjects. Tissue adequate for interpretation was obtained in 1593 subjects (88%). Complications occurred in 7% of the total biopsies performed, consisting of gross hematuria lasting for more than 12 hours (3%), pain lasting for more than 12 hours (4%), a palpable hematoma (1%), infection (0.2%), and death (0.2%). Complications were higher when the biopsy yielded unsatisfactory samples (9.5%), although there were no deaths. Complications were not related to age but an elevated BUN appeared to be associated with a higher rate of complications, although this was not statistically significant. Deaths appeared to occur at unpredictable intervals and in retrospect could not have been foreseen.
PMID 1395165 Clin Nephrol. 1992 Sep;38(3):135-41.