著者: Matsuo S, Imai E, Horio M, Yasuda Y, Tomita K, Nitta K, Yamagata K, Tomino Y, Yokoyama H, Hishida A; Collaborators developing the Japanese equation for estimated GFR.
雑誌名: Am J Kidney Dis. 2009 Jun;53(6):982-92. doi: 10.1053/j.ajkd.2008.12.034. Epub 2009 Apr 1.
BACKGROUND: Estimation of glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is limited by differences in creatinine generation among ethnicities. Our previously reported GFR-estimating equations for Japanese had limitations because all participants had a GFR less than 90 mL/min/1.73 m2 and serum creatinine was assayed in different laboratories. STUDY DESIGN: Diagnostic test study using a prospective cross-sectional design. New equations were developed in 413 participants and validated in 350 participants. All samples were assayed in a central laboratory. SETTING & PARTICIPANTS: Hospitalized Japanese patients in 80 medical centers. Patients had not participated in the previous study. REFERENCE TEST: Measured GFR (mGFR) computed from inulin clearance. INDEX TEST: Estimated GFR (eGFR) by using the modified isotope dilution mass spectrometry (IDMS)-traceable 4-variable Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD) Study equation using the previous Japanese Society of Nephrology Chronic Kidney Disease Initiative (JSN-CKDI) coefficient of 0.741 (equation 1), the previous JSN-CKDI equation (equation 2), and new equations derived in the development data set: modified MDRD Study using a new Japanese coefficient (equation 3), and a 3-variable Japanese equation (equation 4). MEASUREMENTS: Performance of equations was assessed by means of bias (eGFR - mGFR), accuracy (percentage of estimates within 15% or 30% of mGFR), root mean squared error, and correlation coefficient. RESULTS: In the development data set, the new Japanese coefficient was 0.808 (95% confidence interval, 0.728 to 0.829) for the IDMS-MDRD Study equation (equation 3), and the 3-variable Japanese equation (equation 4) was eGFR (mL/min/1.73 m2) = 194 x Serum creatinine(-1.094) x Age(-0.287) x 0.739 (if female). In the validation data set, bias was -1.3 +/- 19.4 versus -5.9 +/- 19.0 mL/min/1.73 m2 (P = 0.002), and accuracy within 30% of mGFR was 73% versus 72% (P = 0.6) for equation 3 versus equation 1 and -2.1 +/- 19.0 versus -7.9 +/- 18.7 mL/min/1.73 m(2) (P < 0.001) and 75% versus 73% (P = 0.06) for equation 4 versus equation 2 (P = 0.06), respectively. LIMITATION: Most study participants had chronic kidney disease, and some may have had changing GFRs. CONCLUSION: The new Japanese coefficient for the modified IDMS-MDRD Study equation and the new Japanese equation are more accurate for the Japanese population than the previously reported equations.
PMID 19339088 Am J Kidney Dis. 2009 Jun;53(6):982-92. doi: 10.1053/j.ajkd.2008.12.034. Epub 2009 Apr 1.