著者: Paul H P Jansen, Fons J M Gabreëls, Baziel G M van Engelen
雑誌名: J Clin Neuromuscul Dis. 2002 Dec;4(2):89-94.
Muscle cramps are one of the most frequently occurring neuromuscular features. They occur normally in healthy persons, can be the manifestation of one of several cramp syndromes, but can also be the expression of various underlying neuromuscular disorders. We review the various types and boundaries of cramps, ranging from true muscle cramps to electromyographic silent muscle contractures (for example, Brody's disease) and cramps associated with dystrophinopathies. In addition, we delineate true muscle cramp from muscle stiffness and muscle twitching. Finally, we propose a workup in a patient suspected of having muscle cramps.
PMID 19078696 J Clin Neuromuscul Dis. 2002 Dec;4(2):89-94.